Workshop on Abnormal Wave Events
15-17 June 2016 Nice, France
* /weɪv to͞o ˈsikˌstēn/
Workshop on Abnormal Wave Events
5-6June 2014 Nice, France
* /weɪv to͞o ˈfôrˌtēn/
Solitons who do not want to be too short
Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics
Peaked or cusped solitary waves (peakons or cuspons) were introduced in 1993 by Camassa and Holm in their seminal paper on the exact theory of shallow water waves. We demonstrate that similar non-smooth solitons naturally appear from several different short-pulse equations in fiber optics. In this context, cusp formation is an universal feature that prevents ultrashort optical solitons from going beyond the critical nearly single-cycle duration.