Workshop on Abnormal Wave Events
15-17 June 2016 Nice, France
* /weɪv to͞o ˈsikˌstēn/
Extreme waves take many forms and arise in different physical systems. Along the line of the first edition in 2014, the scope of the Workshop on Abnormal Wave Events (now W-AWE2016*) is to bring together specialists of optical and hydrodynamical waves, theoreticians and experimentalists, with the aim of exploring the interface between hydrodynamical and optical physics in the context of extreme (large, rare, unexpected, etc.) wave phenomena. Have a look at the abstracts to get a flavor of the contents of the workshop.
The workshop is open to everyone but we need you to let us know if you plan to attend. Please register soon, june 6th at the latest. Invited speakers do not need to register.
Invited speakers
- Malek Abid
- Alejandro Aceves
- Shalva Amiranashvili
- Sylvain Barbay
- Fabio Baronio
- Michel Benoit
- Amin Chabchoub
- Dmitry Churkin
- Didier Clamond
- Matteo Conforti
- Eugenio DelRe
- Denys Dutykh
- Rebecca El Koussaifi
- Daniele Faccio
- Eric Falcon
- Marc Francius
- Goëry Genty
- François Gustave
- Bertrand Kibler
- Christian Klein
- Giorgio Krstulovic
- Ulrich Kuhl
- Francesco Marino
- Gian-Luca Oppo
- Thierry Passot
- Sabrina Pickartz
- Antonio Picozzi
- Davide Pierangeli
- Davide Proment
- Jean Rajchenbach
- Stéphane Randoux
- Victor Shrira
- Günther Steinmeyer
- Pierre Suret
- Abdelmajid Taki
- Giovanna Tissoni
- Jorge Tredicce
- Stefano Trillo
- Stefano Wabnitz
- Pierre Walczak